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What is the market cap of two fictional cryptocurrencies?

To demonstrate, let’s compare the market cap of two fictional cryptocurrencies. If Cryptocurrency A has 400,000 coins in circulation and each coin is worth $1, it’s market cap is $400,000. If Cryptocurrency B has 100,000 coins in circulation and each coin is worth $2, it’s market cap is $200,000.

What is the global cryptocurrency market cap today?

The global cryptocurrency market cap today is $1.22 Trillion, a -0.25% change in the last 24 hours and 25.51% change one year ago. As of today, the market cap of Bitcoin (BTC) is at $586 Billion, representing a Bitcoin dominance of 48.21%. Meanwhile, Stablecoins' market cap is at $128 Billion and has a 10.53% share of the total crypto market cap.

How do you calculate market capitalization in cryptocurrencies?

It is found by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the price per share. It’s use as a measure of overall value is now being applied to bonds, commodities, and cryptocurrencies using the same formula. What Does Market Capitalization Mean in Crypto? What Cryptocurrency has the Biggest Market Cap?

What is crypto market cap & circulating supply?

There’s also the total Crypto Market Cap, which combines the market cap of all cryptocurrencies. This number is over a trillion these days as crypto adoption continues to drive forward. Circulating supply is all of the coins currently in circulation, that is, available to users.

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